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ES Co., Ltd

machinery & heavy equipment031-432-4385

Air conditionerModify Date : 2018-11-19 15:33:27

◎ Outline

The air conditioner is a unit of various equipments to make the air supplied to the room suitable for the purpose of use.The air conditioner is a mixing chamber which mixes the ventilation and fresh air recycled into the room, and a heating coil to heat the air during heating. Cooling coil for humidifying air during cooling, filter medium for removing impurities such as dust mixed in air, humidifying nozzle for spraying water or steam for humidification during heating, etc. In some cases, eliminators may be installed to prevent re-splashing of humidified water.

 The air conditioner manufactured by IS Co., Ltd. plans and manufactures the components in the factory according to the type and size, so the quality is guaranteed and the work is efficient even in the field installation.

In addition, the large one is divided into a blower part, a coil part, and a filter part, and is designed for easy transportation, carrying in, and on-site assembly.


With double skin structure, the exterior is beautiful using PCM steel plate, and polyethylene foam or glass wool is attached on the inside to minimize heat loss and increase the air intake effect.


Air foil type or Sirocco type blower is adopted according to the required static pressure and the rotor blades are manufactured precisely through complete dynamic and static balancing, so the noise and vibration are low and the life of the air conditioner is extended.


The blades and frames are made of aluminum to prevent corrosion, and precisely opposed blades are used to precisely control the amount of fresh air and circulating air.


Non-woven fabric with AFI 85% filtration can be reused after cleaning. We also supply medium, hepa and various special filters according to the environment of the air conditioning space.


Steam spray humidifier with good humidification efficiency is adopted as standard, and steam spray, vaporization, and electric humidifier are also supplied depending on the usage environment.


Coil's heat exchange performance was further improved by forming and stacking 99% pure phosphoric acid, copper tube, and AL book Currugated Fin.

◎ HORIZONTAL TYPE Horizontal Type (Motor External Type)

◎ HORIZONTAL TYPE (Motor built-in type)



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