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STP(Siheung Trade Platform)



About Siheung Trade Platform(SiheungB2B.com)

Siheung Trade Platform(‘STP’, SiheungB2B.com) is operated by Siheung Industrial Development Agency(‘SIDA’) that located in Siheung-city, South Korea.

STP(SiheungB2B.com) Exceeds Expectations
with Innovative Products

With a long history of achievements, Siheung region companies are determined to maintain its momentum. We constantly bolster our professionalism and take steps toward becoming a leading global B2B trade platform.

STP(SiheungB2B.com) aims at improving customers' life and business with leading products and world-class technology.

Expanding to Serve Enterprise Customers

STP(SiheungB2B.com) has a growth in B2B fields, such as machinery manufacturing industry. To support future growth in the B2B market, we keep developing our B2B portfolio. We also prepare for changes in industry and customer needs.

Sustainable Global Partnership

STP(SiheungB2B.com) will be a strong global network. We have manufacturing and production plants and research and development facilities in many operations.

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