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Accu Lab


Coolant TreatmentModify Date : 2018-11-17 20:06:34

▣ Coolant Treatment

1. Cooling water treatment basic structure



Composed of open system and closed system


Open system: Cooling water system


Sealing system: chilled water system

2. Usage of Coolant Treatment


Mostly chlorine fungicides


Use [Klokalky, etc.]


Or preservative system


Product use


Simply pickling                                         

Or coolant treatment

I don't know why


Or because of the high cost

3. Problems when using no coolant

4. Problems Using Existing Coolant Treatment

5. What is Super-Brom?

1) What is Super Bromine?



Mixture of stabilized bromine, corrosion and scale inhibitors


Does not cause resistance of microorganisms

Super strong sterilization effect


Excellent corrosion and scale protection

2. The birth of super bromine

The reason why stabilized bromine was not practical before super bromine

High production cost of stabilized bromine

Difficult to administer continuously stabilized bromine in small cooling towers

However, the above problem is solved by inventing the world's first method of producing continuously stabilized bromine in cooling water.

3. Characteristics of Super Bromine

1) microbial sterilization

a) Excellence of Super Bromine

In the case of cooling the entire building, fresh water is supplied to the cooling tower at the end of May. At that time, the quality of the cooling water is maintained at pH 7, but after about one month, the quality of the cooling water is increased to pH 9. And isothiazolone series fungicides will be less effective.

However, the current superbromine produced by AccuLab is still excellent at sterilizing water even at pH 9.

b) necessity of cooling tower sterilization


The microbes that are problematic in open cooling water systems include moss, slime, Legionella bacteria, and fungi. Especially, Legionella bacteria cause social problems because they can be fatal if they enter the human body through scattering water particles.

In addition, moss, slime, and mold can block the flow of water evenly from the cooling fins that cool the most important cooling water in the cooling tower, thereby preventing the cooling water from cooling.

If this uncooled water flows back to the heat exchanger, the cooling effect will drop significantly, and if it is not cooled, the cooling system will continue to run without stopping.

It's a huge energy loss.

Putting Acurabap's SuperBrom into the cooling tower will not only produce these microorganisms, but you can also visually see that any microorganisms that have already occurred are markedly lost between two and four weeks.

c) properties of super bromine


All properties of oxidizing and non-oxidizing fungicides are included.

Acquired invention patents in Korea, USA and other countries.

Stabilized Chlorine (dichlorosulfamate) + Br-

☞ Stabilized bromine (dibromosulfamate)

* Stabilized bromine is produced continuously in the coolant.

* Penetrate and remove inside bio-film and slime, mass, mud.

2) corrosion scale prevention


Corrosion inhibitor and calcium magnesium dispersant developed by AccuLab's high technology are added to prevent corrosion scale.

* It maintains heat exchange capacity continuously for the best cooling condition.

* Only the economical benefits of expensive cooling equipment are protected from corrosion.


6. Water treatment effect

When no medicine
When chemicals are put

When no medicine
When chemicals are put

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