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STP(Siheung Trade Platform)


Coix Tech Co., Ltd.

machinery & heavy equipment031-319-3909

Holding technology statusModify Date : 2020-08-04 11:01:59

Holding technology status

Solar Module Production Facility Development
- Tickle Removal Device.

- Pallet Moving System

- Transfer system

- Establish a production line for solar modules

- Development of MES for production line

- Developing an EAP system

- Stringer localization

Solar Power Plant System Development
- Ground-type one-axis tracking system model

- Roof Type 1 Axis Tracking System Model

Photovoltaic Module Development Related
- Integral Junctions Box for Photovoltaic modules

- Water solar module

- Development of solar modules to enhance flame retardant performance

press automation facility
- Large Transport Guide Roller System

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