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Super Dehumidifying DryerModify Date : 2020-07-30 11:13:14
▶ Features
- Mass Dry Air Flow at lowest ever dew points (-55℃ ~ -65℃) are performed at even large scale application which would otherwise not so in other designs.
- Patented in 1999 single wheel rotor technology by BOO HEUNG ENG. CO., LTD.
- Single Wheel Rotor facilitates the simplest mode of operation.
- Single Wheel Rotor use no air parts and valves
- Exclusive new technology excels existed other type of desiccant dehumidifying dryer.
▶ Appication field and use
- It is suitable for all the field requesting the extruding production like homogeneous and captious work condition.
- In case of extruding production, we can manufacture and provide any large dryer whether your handling quantity of raw material is small or large.
- The mixing use of special additive and materials is not needed for drying.
▶ Use
- High clarity Products / Optical Grade Products
- Fiber, Sheet, Casting Film, Blow Molding of extrusion.
- PMMA, PET, PC, TPU, PLA Extrusion
- Hydroscopic ingredients compounding
- Bio Degradable ( Co polyester, PLA )Extrusion.
- Porous Film Compounding
- Other cases at large scale applications with super low dew points.
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