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Blue Tec

machinery & heavy equipment031-509-4200

three-phase vacuum cleanerModify Date : 2020-07-29 09:46:16

cyclone cleaner

Can be used for long periods of time.It can be used permanently if the bearings are replaced using the turbobrowser. Use in places where installation and long-term use are inevitable on various factory lines.(You can inhale all kinds of dust, bolts, nuts, etc.)It also has an excellent effect on fine dust inhalation.

industrial and building site logistics warehouses, manufacturers, etc.

Metal and machinery factories where chips are generated, dust from various industrial sites, dust from construction sites, etc.

Feature switch box pressure gauge.

The relief valve-pressure automatic regulator prevents overload.

Lower noise with silencer fitment.

When cleaning the tank, the drain is closed due to vacuum pressure.

When dust treatment is done, if you lower the dust bar as shown in the picture, the dust outlet opens.


No dust can.

Application of switchable valves. Quick filth treatment

Dust can be easily treated with plastic bags or bags.

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