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STP(Siheung Trade Platform)


Donghwa Metal Industry Co., Ltd.

machinery & heavy equipment031-488-9700

Metallas (wire mesh)Modify Date : 2018-11-15 10:55:56

▣ Metal lath (wire mesh)

※ Usage

-Building, sidewalk block, factory floor, apartment floor and rooftop

-Concrete aggregate in SLAB

-CONCRETE reinforcement for crack prevention

-Stairs and passages for installation of structures

-FENCE for factory, house, park, roadside and rockfall prevention

-Windbreak at riverside, beach road and airport (WIND BREAK)

-Soundproofing for indoor gymnasium, auditorium and large buildings


※ Characteristic

-Light and strong, good adhesion

-It is possible to shorten the air by easy handling and construction.

-Durable and not resistant to impact

-Good light and breathability

-Slip-resistant effect prevents walking and behavior.


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