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Daechang Co., Ltd

machinery & heavy equipment031-496-3000

Copper AnodeModify Date : 2020-07-24 11:54:46

Description of Product

Oxygen Free Copper

Copper containing neither oxygen nor reducing agent, which is melted and cast or melted with reducing by charcoal in vacuum. Its oxygen content shall be 0.001%(10ppm) or less. It shows good electrical conductivity, no hydrogen brittleness and excellent machinability.

Pyrophosphate Copper

Adding phosphorus for deoxidization to tough pitch (electrolytic tough pitch, ETP) copper, which is obtained by melting and refining electrolytic copper, makes phosphorus deoxidized copper(DLP or DHP), which is to be transformed, with adequate quantity of phosphorus added, to pyrophosphate copper of which oxygen and residual phosphorus content should be 0.01% or less and 0.040 to 0.065%, respectively.

Use of Product

Application to PCB plating and undercoating(pyrophosphate copper ball)

Size Productible by Product Type

SpecificationBall Size(mm)Weight(g)
Ф5554.0 ~ 56.5800±10
Ф5049.0 ~ 52.0600±6
Ф4543.5 ~ 46.0425±6
Ф3836.5 ~ 39.0256±6
Ф3028.5 ~ 31.0125±5
Ф2523.5 ~ 26.074±5
Ф119.5 ~ 13.07±3

Packing Available by Product Dimension

Nugget products are available on request
Perfect sphere products are available at the request of a customer who uses automatic input equipment.
Packing Unit: 20 kg / Paper box, 1,000 kg (50 boxes)

Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties

Chemical composition

Alloy numberChemical composition, wt.%
-C1020099.96↑---0.001↓O²: 10ppm or less
-C1222099.90↑-0.040 ~ 0.065-0.01↓P: 450ppm Target

Mechanical Properties

Alloy numberStandard numberTemper designationDiameter and length between opposite sidesTensile strength(Mpa)Elongation(%)Hardness(HRB)

Plaing Properties of Oxygen Free Copper and Pyrophosphate Copper

 Oxygen free copperPyrophosphate copper
ElectrolyteAcid and alkali in common/cyanide solutionAcid designated/acid copper sulphate
Current DensityHigh: appr. 3A/dm²Low to medium: appr. 2.2A/dm²
PolishingNot polishedPolished
Plating MethodHorizontalVertical
UsePlating of high performance PCB and electroless platingPlating of high performance PCB and undercoating of general products
RemarksFavorable to precise platingFavorable to mass production

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