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Daechang Co., Ltd

machinery & heavy equipment031-496-3000

unleaded brassModify Date : 2020-07-24 11:53:42

Description of Product

Pro-environmental, lead free material with no leaching of lead, not damaging original machinability

Use of Product

Piping for food-related goods, faucet and beverages

Size Productible by Product Type

TypeSize Productible (in mm)
Round RodФ2 ~ Ф80
Hexagonal RodФ9 ~ Ф50.8
Square RodФ7

Packing Available by Product Dimension

Basic Packing

Outer diameter under Ф12 (OD under Ф8 in case of exportation):
20 to 25 kg; simple packing with nylon cord + PP band
Outer diameter Ф12 or more (OD Ф8 or more in case of exportation): PP band
Packing weight: 1,000 to 1,500 kg (500 and 1,000 kg, respectively in case of exportation)

Strawboard Packing

Basic packing + plastic packing + paperboard packing

Wood Box Packing

Basic packing + plastic packing + wood box

Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties

Chemical composition

Alloy numberChemical composition, wt.%
MD seriesC3533059.5-64.01.5-3.5--Rem.0.02-0.25As
MB series-57.0-
CZ seriesC8984483.0-,2.0-4.0Bi
CB series-58.5-
CD series-59.0-64.00.8-

Mechanical Properties

Alloy numberStandard numberTemper designationDiameter and length between opposite sidesTensile strength(Mpa)Elongation(%)Hardness(HRB)

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