marine medicineModify Date : 2020-07-21 10:35:46
antimicrobial antibiotic
Dawon Neomycin
Treatment of bacterial diseases such as fish's miraculous disease, Edward's disease, etc.
Dawon Aqua Quantel Axe
Frazzi Quantel sensitized parasites...
Dawon Otisi
Among fish species, the lower fish disease which is sensitive to hydrochloric acid oxytetra-cycline.
Dawon Otisi 50%
The fish disease below which fish are sensitive to hydrochloric acid oxytetra-cycline among fish species...
Dawon Imaixin
Erisromycin-sensitive below disease prevention and mortality-reducing salmon...
Arboretum 20 for Fishery
Prevention of amoxicillin-sensitive diseases below and defense against reduced mortality...
aquaculture amoksin
Prevention of amoxicillin-sensitive diseases below and defense against reduced mortality...
40% Amoksin for Fisheries
Prevention of amoxicillin-sensitive diseases below and defense against reduced mortality...
fishery erysulfream
Treatment and prevention of the disease in the fish species below: streptococcus...
High-Quantel for Fisheries
Frazzi Quantel sensitized parasites...
nutritional immunization promotion
Prevention and treatment of vitamin E and C deficiency, increased anti-disease and mortality rates ...
multicircular vita-gold
1) Prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency 2) Improving growth rate and feed efficiency3...
1. Improving the liver function and disability of fish2. Strengthening immunity and antibiotic resistance...
Rivermarine fluid
1. Improving the liver function and disability of fish2. Strengthening immunity and antibiotic resistance...
Mechiferol C
1) Prevention of disease caused by deficiency of vitamin E, C, and methionine.
Reduced mortality, improved liver function, improved meat quality, increased immunity, increased productivity
neoprimix for fisheries
Promotion of fish growth, prevention of fish disease caused by vitamin deficiency, death of fish...
1.promoting growth; strengthening liver function; reducing stress; preventing disease; dying ...
Prevention and treatment of vitamin C deficiency in fish farming, strengthening and killing of the disease...
Prevention and treatment of vitamin E deficiency, increased anti-disease and reduced mortality...
probiotic enzyme
multicircular biorase
Defense, trout, eel, etc. promotion of digestive absorption, feed efficiency improvement, sublimation...
Promoting digestive absorption of fish, improving feed efficiency, and reducing mortality rate
1) Improving feed efficiency, promoting growth 2) Reduction of infection opportunities for diseases...
Promoting digestive absorption of fish, improving feed efficiency, and reducing mortality rate
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