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Shinwon Chemical Co., Ltd.


Ethylene Bis StearamideModify Date : 2020-07-17 13:16:08

Ethylene Bis Stearamide

HI-LUBE is a Synthetic wax having high melting point. It has some functions as internal and external lubricant, releasing and dispersion agent of pigment for the most thermosetting and thermoplastic resins.

Chemical Structure

(C17H35COHN)2C2H4 (CAS Number : 110-30-5)

Grade & Applications

Grade Appearance Applications TDS MSDS
BEAD white bead - Lubricant and releasing agent for plastic, synthetic resins
- Slip agent
- Pigment dispersing agent
- Lubricant and additives of paints and rubbers
- Anti-blocking and anti-tack agent
Ethylene Bis Stearamide Manufacturer
300P white powder
500P white fine powder
Commercial characteristic data
Items/Grade BEAD 300P 500P
Assay(mgKOH/g) < 10
Melting point (℃) 140 ~ 146
Through standard sieve > 99% @16mesh > 90% @120mesh > 99% @200mesh
※ Please refer to the TDS and MSDS attached about other characteristic data.
20kg / 25kg Kraft paper bag,
500kg / 1,000kg Bulk bag.

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