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Dongyang International

Electric & Electronic equipment031-433-5961

Thermo-hygrostatModify Date : 2018-12-07 14:24:18

▣ Thermo-hygrostat


※ feature of product

- This equipment is to test the reliability of various parts and products. It is to test the deformation and durability of parts and products due to the user set value of temperature and humidity. In addition, by adopting SSR control by PID control method, it keeps temperature and humidity error due to voltage fluctuation within ± 0.5 ℃ (± 2%), and can use recorder according to the specification. Always save data. The range of internal size and temperature is selected according to the material and there are various models according to the purpose.

※ Export Status / Delivery Status

- Spain, Singapore, Poland, China

- Korea Electro-Electronic Testing Institute, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science,

- Building Materials Testing Institute, etc.


- In Size :800 W x 800 D x 800 H (mm)
- Dim Out Size :1050 W x 1750 D x 1850 H (mm)
- Temp Range :-30 ~ +120℃ (MAX)
- Humid Range :40 ~ 95%
- Power :3Φ 220V 60Hz 8Kw 
- Temp Controller : UP 6652 (주)냉열
- Digital Recorder : Yokogawa 

- In Size :700 W x 600 D x 1000 H (mm)
- Dim Out Size :1300 W x 1100 D x 2000 H (mm)
- Temp Range :0 ~ +120℃
- Humid Range :40 ~ 95%
- Power :1Φ 220V 60Hz 
- Temp Controller :TH-500 한영넉스
- Digital Recorder :Yokogawa 

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