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Electric & Electronic equipment070-7707-1113

OEM Biz-LED Indoor LightingModify Date : 2018-11-23 05:03:17

▣ OEM Biz-LED Indoor Lighting

※ Back Ground

: Existing incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps emit some degree of heat while emitting light, but LED lighting is a situation where heat must be released through heat dissipation structure, so heat dissipation is most important, and the biggest advantage of LED lighting is high efficiency, low power, and long life. In order to maximize the spot, the heat dissipation solution

※ Thermal Issue

: In the stage of increasing requirements for product size and constraints such as size, weight, design, and cost in preparation for heat dissipation port which occupies 70% of outward part of lighting module

※ How to Thermal Solution

: In order to have optimized heat dissipation solution, heat dissipation design considering chip, packaging, heat dissipation, and luminaire part is required


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