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Taesung Rope Industry Co., Ltd

machinery & heavy equipment031-312-5662

WayarovModify Date : 2018-11-23 12:19:19

▣ Wayarov

1.6 x 24 (rope seam)

# Common kite rope

The general rope is composed of points of connection between each wire as shown in the figure below, and because of this, there is a disadvantage that it is easily disconnected due to the small connection area between each wire, but there is a lot of space to move between each wire of each floor, so it has good flexibility. There are spots, and it is widely used for slings, bundles, fisheries, and felling, which are used to receive a lot of bending. * Not suitable for crane use

The structure of common rope is 6x7, 6x12, 6x19, 6x24, 6x30, 6x37, x6x61 KS standard foam.

2. 6 x Fi (29) + Iron & Rope Shims

# Parallel Plane (Line Contact)

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