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Sebang Electric Co., Ltd.

Electric & Electronic equipment031-319-7974

ESS (Energy Storage System)Modify Date : 2018-11-20 14:57:46

ESS (Energy Storage System)

※ feature of product

-Series 4000 Features

 The Bi-directional Inverter connected to the commercial power supply operates in the charging mode, converts AC to DC by IGBT and DSP control, supplies DC power to the battery and charges the battery. It converts direct current into alternating current and supplies power to the system and performs the function of UPS in case of power failure (OPTION)

※ Product

Charges when power demand is low and discharges at peak time to supply power to the system to reduce peak peak (reduced peak)

• Power supply stability

• Improved power quality

• Prepare for accidents

• Reduced power costs

※ main function

• Power quality improvement

• Load Leveling

• Intermittent Peak Load Reduction

• Short Cycle Power Smoothing

• Time Shift

• Frequency Regulation

※ Characteristic

• ROUND-TRIP 92% or higher efficiency

• SVM control method by DSP

• MODULE type separation structure of AC / DC switch unit and power conversion unit (PCM) is advantageous for future capacity increase and large capacity production

• Shorten MTTR and easy maintenance with plug-in stack structure.

• Increased product reliability with an optimized structure for stack cooling

• 100% front maintenance structure suitable for container installation

• Application of advanced control algorithm (patent registration)

• ESS (Separate Model) with Emergency Power and Uninterruptible Functions

• Improved response to unbalanced load during independent operation by applying 4-Leg System (for emergency power and uninterruptible models)

• Static switch built-in (Option) structure eliminates the need for an external static switch.

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