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Samju Co., Ltd.


Polymer (polymer coagulant)Modify Date : 2018-11-21 14:16:59

Polymer (polymer coagulant)

1. Overview

Powdered sheep floc is a highly functional, water-soluble polymer flocculant developed to show excellent flocculation and sedimentation of fine suspended solids even with a small amount, and contributes to the improvement of dehydration ability, the condition of treated water and the efficiency of water treatment. In particular, our powdered sheep floc series, which has a wide range of applied pH and excellent floc forming ability, exhibits excellent coagulation effect in any type of wastewater.

2. Packing unit

-15kg white area and yellow area

-25kg White PE Bag

-100kg Bulk Bag

-500kg Bulk Bag

3. Precautions for Handling

-As it is a hygroscopic material, keep it sealed after use

-It is advisable to wear protective equipment (mask, goggles) during work, and wash thoroughly when contact with skin.

Retention period: 2 years

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