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autosplice Co., Ltd

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RFI Shield ClipModify Date : 2018-11-20 02:14:15

▣ RFI Shield Clip

Fast assembly and excellent flexibility for EMI / RFI shields

Instead of inserting and soldering the shield directly into the board hole, the EMI / RFI shield can now be mounted on a pre-mounted clip on the PCB. The new product is an autosplice shield clip, which replaces manual soldering. Due to their compact design, the shield clips can be taped and reel compatible with standard high-speed mounting equipment and can be placed anywhere on the PCB, eliminating the need for additional holes and reducing the required PCB area. Reliable shield clips with four independent spring contacts can be removed for rework or circuit tuning.

#Features and benefits

No insertion of EMI / RFI shield into the board

Compatible with standard high speed mounting equipment

Easy removal of the shield

PCB area can be reduced

Standard vacuum nozzle available

4 independent finger spring contacts

Package according to STD EIA 481T * R



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