
070-4111-0155일일 방문자수 4023


시흥 기업거래 장터



볼트 및 너트류 제조업031-434-1991


Bolt최종 수정 일자 : 2020-08-20 13:35:48


A 'GM Motors' Global standard partner
 functional bolt that has an R-shaped
 thread on the starting part of the bolt’s
 thread which makes it easy to align the
 pitch when connecting to a nut or other
 objects, and this makes it effective in
 preventing misassembly and makes it
 easier for connection


Usually spot-welded, these bolts are attached on the car’s body and brackets.


A functional bolt used in cars for assembly of seats and ventilation.


Components used in cars and attached to seats, tie-bar, and doors.  


CA high-intensity bolt used in car’s body and for mounting of seats and engine.

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